Back pain is awful. Many people don’t realize just how much they use their back until they start experiencing back pain. Once they do, they realize the pain is essentially constant. Getting up, sitting down, and even standing can be a chore. This makes it difficult to work, exercise, and just enjoy life in general.
The top professionals at Achieve Health and Wellness in Bolingbrook are able to expertly treat back pain. We offer outstanding services that are intended to not only treat the symptoms of back pain but also get to the root causes.
We want you to be pain-free!
Suffering From Back Pain
Contact Us!
The Source of Back Pain
There are a few different reasons for back pain. Part of getting the right treatment is understanding what is causing back pain in the first place.
What many people don’t realize is how much we demand from our backs in our daily lives. Our backs provide stability, strength, and mobility. All of this demand adds up and takes its toll.
For some, back pain is caused by something as small as a twist or muscle strain. For others, it can be as serious as a slipped disc, bulging disc, or even vertebrae degeneration. As we age, the chances of these injuries become more likely. This is especially so for those that have jobs that require a lot of manual labor.
Back pain isn’t just caused by general wear and tear, though. For some, back pain is a result of an injury. If this is the case, specialized chiropractic treatment is commonly needed.
Whatever the source of your back pain may be, Achieve Health and Wellness is here to provide you with the support you need! Give us a call if you are experiencing back pain and we will get you into the office to see what is causing the pain and what the best method of treatment will be to meet your needs.
Why Back Pain Can be Difficult to Fix
The back is made up of all kinds of muscles, bones, and nerves. They are also interconnected, making them even more complex to treat. As the system is interconnected, different parts of the back will try to compensate when one part is injured. This puts a ton of strain on the healthy parts of the back, which will overwork them. Over time, without treatment, these areas of the back will also start to fail. With there being primary and then secondary sources of back pain, it can become more and more difficult to address over time.
Some treatment options focus on the symptoms of back pain, which can help at the moment…but not in the long run. Instead, the actual injury needs to be addressed. This avoids the need for ongoing treatment and reliance on things like painkillers to get through the day.
Chiropractic treatment is an excellent option for the treatment of not only back pain but the underlying issue or issues causing it.
Spinal Adjustments
To help with not only back pain but also neck pain, headaches, and more, you’ll want to consider chiropractic treatment. Spinal adjustments provide patients with not only support for the pain they are experiencing but also the treatment of underlying issues. By addressing these issues, your chiropractor can help to ensure the pain doesn’t come back.
Achieve Health and Wellness offers outstanding spinal adjustment services that are intended to provide patients with long-term relief.
How Do Spinal Adjustments Work?
Your spine is an extremely important part of your body and connects to many different areas. It also includes your nerve center. Misalignment, in turn, causes pain and many other issues. Whether the misalignment is from injuries, slipped discs, bulging discs, or anything else, the pain can make many normal activities that much more difficult. A spine injury can cause neck pain, sciatica, back pain, and even headaches!

In order to address these issues, spinal adjustments can be performed. There are a few ways in which these adjustments can be performed. The chiropractor at Achieve will use sudden jolts on your joints. They may either choose to use a special instrument or their hands. Part of the treatment provided may also include spinal decompression. This service is provided by having a patient lie down on a motorized table that slowly moves outward and separates. In turn, this stretches out a patient’s spine. This process creates space for the patient’s discs and relieves tension.
Spinal adjustments are non-invasive, and the procedures are generally painless. Soreness may occur after spinal manipulation, though, as your body adjusts.
Suffering From Back Pain? Reach Out To Us
Do I Need an Adjustment?
If you are unsure if you are a candidate for an adjustment, schedule an appointment with Achieve Health and Wellness for an initial consultation and examination.
During this exam, Dr. Fisher will perform a physical examination and possibly take x-rays. After this has been completed, a custom plan of treatment can be put in place. For an auto accident, this may include an adjustment, physical therapy, and cold laser therapy.
About Us
Achieve Health and Wellness is a top provider of physical therapy and chiropractic services that help with the treatment of auto accident injuries. We service the residents of Bolingbrook, Naperville, and Lemont.
Achieve offers a large range of services that include diagnostic, preventative, and treatment services.
Dr. Fisher will provide you with a thorough examination to determine the cause of your pain, discomfort, and/or mobility issues, and put together a custom plan to address them.
Reach Out Today!
If you are experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, knee pain, or other aches and pains, reach out to Achieve Health and Wellness. We’ll set an appointment for a top doctor in the field of chiropractic care to take a look and determine the source of the issue. From there, we’ll put together a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.